Media Writing & Reporting - 13888 - MCOM 2243 - 101 |
Associated Term: Fall Semester 2024
Levels: Undergraduate Main Campus Lecture Schedule Type Traditional - Face-to-Face Instructional Method Learning Objectives: To introduce you to journalistic writing and principles of good journalism. Upon successful completion of this hybrid class you should be able to: 1. Use an online educational environment (D2L) to accent learning in a classroom environment; 2. Apply a news sense to finding stories and sources; 3. Have the ability to write a news/feature story, whether for a public relations entity, a marketing entity, or a news media outlet for both print and online; 4. Apply social media skills to media writing; 5. Evaluate a news/feature story based on criteria established in class, including, but not limited to, news value, readability, grammar, spelling, and punctuation; 6. Know and apply AP style to ensure consistency; 7. Possess the ability to conduct an interview and gather information; 8. Make decisions based on ethical, legal, technical, and journalistic criteria; 9. Understand basics of covering general news, spot news, meetings, and speeches; and 10. Work successfully under deadline pressure. Required Materials: AP Stylebook 2024-2026 Technical Requirements: Access to D2L, Zoom View Catalog Entry